Been awhile but I been in hermit mode I have my first solo art show coming up in november should be fun time going to have a lot merchandise along with paintings for sale so come on down bring ur family your grandma everybody welcome to headbang and slug beers with me as I try to make my hit points go up.
Heres some jams i been listening to while I make new shit for this fartwork show
ORANGE GOBLIN YEAH BABY!!! chopper music from the uk good shit to work in the garage to if use aint no fuckin wussy!!!
I been loving these dood with there new release due on Halloween this shit is perfect for right now†††
Got some good jams and some funnies for you fine folks today first will start with the funnies. I have an uncle who has always been a funny guy and inspired me in many ways. He has resided in Portland Oregon for a few years now with all the rest of the grown hipsters. Him and his buds recently had a run in with the cops while just trying to do a little fundraiser for breast cancer "Beards for Boobs" make's sense to me except my uncle beard looks to be like it has taken a brief hiatus because he is usually bearing one. With out further a do ill let the local news do the talking.
Haha gets me every time my uncle is good at talking in front of the camera he should take up some more acting. NYSYNC4LYFE YEAH BABY!!
Back to the biz i got some sweet new tunes commin right atcha'. With this new gem I recently came across "LEECHFEAST" with there new debut "Hideous Illusions" these guys slay heavy, sludgy, stoner tunes, with have menacing vocals groggily and grungy and I'm sure these guys know how to party†††
Check out more of these guys stuff here below at the Bandcamp. My favorite tune is definitely sea of hair
Heres another rocking' band for ur rocking ass tuesday "Lords of Bastard" with there new album "Cuddles" i really like these guys sound they draw influence from the Melvins and that begin one of my favorite bands I can definitely hear the influence in there. ROCKIN ASS ROCKERS right here yeah baby put ur baby pants away and start head banging to this video below u fuckin nerd!!!
Check out more of theses guys stuff on there band camp all good as fuck!
Hey buds sorry its been so long if there's any one who actually looks at this. I got a lot of new great music and other funny stuff to post but If anyone out there looking at this and likes. If you could take a second and share me a link somewhere Facebook anywhere and the more people I get looking ill do this a lot more. Ive got some plans for tee-shirts, patches, stickers, and also mix tapes of all this great music for free download (of course with permit ion granted from the bands) and other promotion going to the local record shop Vertigo and hopefully to a record store in your area. So for any of you who like this and want to see it updated more let me know thanks pals! You all are great and never forget to stay ROCKIN'
First up I have a very anticipated album that just came out on the 11th HOODED MENACE "EFFIGIES OF EVIL" this is great Death Doom heavy as is gets groggily vocals, sludgy slow down tuned jams to get evil to. Great for fans of Coffins Great SONG with lyrics along with it pretty cool below
Next up i got an amazing band called "Temple" they are a instrumental band with some black metal inspiration in there along with very produced and technical drums this shit is really fuckin heavy and for the most part fast. Perfect drawing material†
Next here were gonna slow it down a little bit Hailing in from overseas we have a great band "Alunah" Psychedoomlic rock n' roll is what these guys have been entitled with they rule so hard and the nice woman vocals fit with it perfect. Here they are with one of my favorite tunes by them "White Horehound."
Dood's get ur girls listening to these jams and it will ensure to make them cooler and more rock n' roll
Last but definitely not least is also a very well anticipated album i have been waiting for Orchid's new album "Heretic" now this is 70's throwback rock at is best drawing from only the best in rock and roll i can really hear the inspiration from bands like RUSH, ZEPPELIN, And definitely has the dark edge or Sabbath. These guys are from San Francisco and are i would say re-pioneering this sound if that makes any sense. This band put's a lot of soul and hard work into there jams and it really shows.
Once again here is Orchid with it new Jam "Heretic."
Heres a link to this great bands work right here below
Also for all of you who don't know singer and guitar player for Orchid "Theo Mindell" is also a great tattoo artist who works at one of my favorite shops Spider Murphy's some day I will visit there and get something but for now I can dream. Here are some of his Paintings he's amazing!
WELL THATS ALL FOR TODAY FOLKS. Tomorrow I will be back with a new thing I'm gonna be calling Friday Funny Fuckers where i will post funny shit to get u laughing for friday whoooooo party on buds and never forget to stay ROCKIN'
Today is a rainy day friday here in Michigan and I'm lovin it l8r ray ban, tanks top wearing pussy's†††
For todays agenda I have lots of good heavy fuzzy tunes to wet ur whistle and spark ur lighters. This widespread of stoner rock will take you along a nice journey, if you allow ur self to throw everything in the garbage your mother or boss has told you was wrong.
Hailing from San Francisco This band rules they call them selfs space rock/doom, there fuckin awesome don't got much other to say then a nice throwback on 70's rock melodic spacey james with alotta fuzz these guys are great Check em out at the band camp below
Next up we got a another great band comming in from Greece with a name as solid as there tunes HOGG this band reminds me a lot of KYUSS with similar tone vocals but with a Glen Danzig twist on the vocals I fuckin love theses guys sometimes some good ol' stoner desert esq. rock just really hits the button for me. THIS JAM IS SO GOOD DEATH CALL BABY!!
Check these guys out on there band camp whole album is great.
Next up we got Butcher in the Fog and damn this shit is sweet these guys are low-fi fuzzy as it gets groovin' ass tunes. Music like this makes me happy people makin music to make it not trying to over produce nothin and definitely not getting rich off of it cuz theses jams aint for the masses. Either way super refreshing to hear and I really like these guys attack.
I can find any better video for theses guys but this will do heres there band camp as well
Next up we have Snails this band fuckin rocks hard i don't think theses foods know such a thing as to much rock n' roll party on brothers these guys have QOTSA as one of there influences and i can definitely tell with this hot jam SNAIL TERMINUS uhhhh YEAHHH BABY!!!!!
Last but not least Ive got another gem called At Devil Dirt these guys have a southern type demeanor with sludgy fuzzy riffs a lady singer and some harmonica this hits the spot for me on this rainy day.
Last night I needed some new music for some drawing material. I picked up this album By "Oak & Bone" at the local music shop Vertigo which we are very lucky to have something like this here in grand rapids michigan. I heard a jam by these guys before and I was into it but i needed further listening. Upon my listen I found that these guys fuckin shred. Cant say theres is one thing about the album i didn't like from the sludgy doomy tunes with hardcore esq vocals that sometimes turn into ambient jams followed by punk rhythms these guys got a very heavy sound and pretty much everything that i was looking to put me in the mood to draw some skulls. I give these guys two thumbs up if i had more they'd get those to.
Hey y'all Im starting a new blog tumblr for all my art work but i have decided to keep this for strictly doom, sludge, stoner, metal, and 36 mafia reviews. Along with funny shit choppers, bmx, and allaround shredding just about everything I'm into. Some new fart work will be posted by me and I will be spotlighting other artist I like and also am friends with. But mainly just wretched shit that keeps me inspired
so if u wanna peep my artistsblog go on ahead its under a little construction but heres the url
Thanks for looking through this stuff and i will ensure u that a lot of good shit is to come with this.
This guys vocals sounds like his throat is about to explode, Probably why there on a label called ThroatRuiner ever band on this label is really good. Heavy Sludgy bass and and very atmospheric at times these guys slay†††
these guys fuckin slay very heavy, almost hardcore like vocals very driving guitar and just all around guttural diminished sounds. Great stuff to slam beers over ur bros head to
HEY PALS got a few new ones for yah, had a neat show this weekend, went great got rid of some pieces to some very nice folks, thank you to all who came out and a special thanks to anyone who picked up some work!! And now I'm at work rotting away, I wish I was at home drawing more stuff for you guys to enjoy or not enjoy but this is just where I am at for now. YALL ARE UH GREAT BUNCHA FELLER$
Heres some jams i been getting down to drawing I don't know if any of u listen to any of this music that i post but if you are YOU RULES